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“Their Future Begins Here....."
Call for more information
0161 682 6825
Kidz Matter Day Nursery
Kidz Matter was established in September 2011 as a childcare and educational provision, catering for children from Birth to Five Years of age.
Our nursery consists of Four rooms and a large outdoor area.
Our Rooms
- Baby Room ages 0-18Months
Toddler room ages -
Pre -School One ages -
Pre-School Two ages -
We operate a open door policy so please call in to look around our setting and meet out wonderful team.
Our Admin staff can help answer all your questions regarding session times and prices.

Holi Festival

Toddler Room

Ofsted Quote (2022)

Holi Festival

Monday to Friday 7:30am - 18:00pm
51 weeks a year (Exludes Bank Holidays and Christmas Week)
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