“Their Future Begins Here....."
Call for more information
0161 682 6825
Email: Info@kidzmatter.co.uk

At Kidz Matter we recognise that parents are their child's first and most enduring educators and carers. Our aim is to work in close partnership with parents to complement their approach to childcare, particularly to assist children when learning new skills such as weaning, potty training, reading and writing. The closer the parent and nursery team work in partnership, the more rewarding the child’s time in nursery will be.
We use an app called Teachkloud, where parents can message their childs Key worker throughout the day with any questions. Parents receive up dates on the app of their child's meals, snapshots of them playing and other notifications such as medicines and sleeps. This allows staff and parents to communicate quickly and effectively. Parents are given honest feedback at the end of the day from staff about how their child has been whilst at nursery.
Parents are encouraged to complete ALL ABOUT ME forms which enables staff to gain more understanding of the child's life at home such as their likes and dislikes. We offer regular parents evenings for parents where end of term assessments and termly observations are shared and discussed.
Parents can request a meeting with their child's room leader or Key worker by contacting them on Teachkloud or requesting this through the office.
We promote an open door policy and welcome parent and carers to come and have a look around and ask any questions they may have.